Showing posts with label CI/CD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CI/CD. Show all posts

Friday, April 17, 2015

The Cloudcast #187 - API Performance Monitoring

Topic 1 - Briefly about your background on the company and team (John was at Twillio and IFTTT).

Topic 2 - How is API testing different than application testing? How is API Monitoring different from simple uptime monitoring? Who is a typical customer of Runscope, what types of challenges and tests are they solving for?

Topic 3 - Walk us thru how the testing works (you mention "no code needed") through the lifecycle of an application. What are some common problems across different platforms (browsers, OS) or different regions of the world?

Topic 4 - API versioning is a major headache. Anything you do to help simplify or manage that for customers? Don’t you still code as a CEO? Do you feel this pain?

Topic 5 - Runscope has a lot of community based projects (link in show notes). How did this come about and what advantages have you seen through the development of an API community?

Topic 6 - With so many APIs these days what's the best way to get started with API testing?

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Introducing "ByteSized" DevOps Podcasts

Today we tried something a little different. As we've shifted the focus of the podcast to have more focus on SaaS, DevOps, Public Cloud and other topics, we've added number of new listeners (up 40% YoY). For many of them, these are new areas of technology. So we thought we'd add something new...

We're calling them "The Cloudcast - ByteSized", and they will be a series of ~ 10min podcasts that just cover the basics of a given topic or technology.

NOTE: We're still going to do (mostly) weekly shows in the normal formal as well. We'll just mix these in from time to time.

Here's the first batch. They should all be consumable independently, but we're also trying to loosely link them together.

You're the best audience in technology, so your feedback is greatly appreciated.