Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Cloudcast - #105 - OpenDaylight & SDN Evolution

Whiteboard Video - Integrating OpenStack with OpenDaylight

Topic 1 - The State of OpenDaylight
Topic 2 - How is SDN different than Network Virtualization or other technologies mentioned along side SDN?
Topic 3 - What to expect at the OpenDaylight mini-summit this week?
Topic 4 - How are traditional network administrators adapting to this new software-defined model?
Topic 5 - How does the OpenDaylight architecture integrate with OpenStack?
Topic 6 - Does the OpenDaylight architecture a single project or broken into multiple modular projects?
Topic 7 - Will there be overlap between OpenStack Neutron and OpenDaylight? Will this define which IT or DevOps groups run each element in operations?