Friday, April 1, 2011

Episode 5 - "ROI and Technology Shifts in Private Cloud" + show notes

The Cloudcast (.net) - Episode 5 - “ROI and Cloud Integrators”
Date: March 28, 2011
Guest: Steve Kaplan (@roidude) - "By the Bell" blog (

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Episode 4 - "DevOps & Developing New IT Skills" + show notes

The Cloudcast (.net) - Episode 4 - “DevOps & Developing New IT Skills”
Date: March 23, 2011
Guest: Nick Weaver (@lynxbat) - "Nickapedia" blog (

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Episode 3 - "President of the Private Cloud" - show notes

The Cloudcast (.net) - Episode 3 - “President of the Private Cloud”
Date: February 28, 2011
Guest: Christian Reilly (@reillyusa) - The Loose Couple Blog (

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Thank You to our Cloudology partners

When we started The Cloudcast, Aaron and I decided that if we wanted to have any level of authenticity that we had better eat our own dogfood. That meant that every aspect (possible) needed to involve Cloud-based technologies. So aside from some local recording/editing tools on the MacBookPro, I'm glad to say that we're 100% cloud-based. With that, we'd like to thank all of our cloud(techn)ology partners:
  • Buzzsprout for being incredibly awesome at hosting our cloudcasts
  • Google (Blogger) for hosting our website
  • Feedburner for keeping track of our statistics and stroking our egos
  • Twitter for integrating our public relations and marketing
  • Skype for being the official communications tools of The Cloudcast (.net)
  • iTunes and Stitcher for distributing the cloudcast to the curious masses

Monday, January 31, 2011

Hello Cloudcast!

A few months ago, over the best that some hole-in-the-wall had to offer, Aaron Delp and I pondered the future. Without going into the details, it sounded a little bit like the "Be the Ball" scene from Caddyshack. While the prospect of being the foreman of an IT lumberyard has its merits, we just couldn't help but wonder if there wasn't more that we could offer. How could we play a larger role in the evolution of IT towards Cloud Computing and give something back to the community at the same time? 

So we started making a list of what that "next thing" might include, and it went something like this:
  1. It had to be fun. Life's too short and work is too long.
  2. It needed to involve people that are much smarter than ourselves, since we definitely don't know everything.
  3. It had to allow us to scratch our curiosity itch about all the changes happening in and around Cloud Computing.
  4. It needed to make us insanely famous and rich beyond our wildest dreams.
  5. It needed to be something that we'd find useful and hopefully others do too.
  6. It shouldn't suck, at least not too much.