Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Cloudcast - Eps.31 - "Securing Virtual Desktops" + Show Notes + Whiteboard

Date: Feb.9, 2012
Guest: Mike Foley (@mikefoley, Product Architect @ RSA

Mike Foley was previously on the podcast talking about security in a vCloud Director environment at VMworld 2011. This week we decided to add something new to the podcast, so Mike and Brian did a whiteboard video of their discuss (see below).

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Cloudcast - Eps.30.5 - "Cloud meets Big Donuts" (video)

On the morning of February 4th, 2012, Aaron and Brian competed in the Krispy Kreme Challenge. This is an important milestone for the podcast because it marked the One Year Anniversary of the show. They decided to capture their results in the show video below. The guys had a great time during the race, and they hope you enjoy this short video.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012

Cloud Computing Whiteboard Videos

During our year-end show for The Cloudcast (.net), my co-host Aaron Delp suggested that we should enhance the podcast by adding more whiteboard videos. I completely agree with him. Far too often, our discussions get overly technical and it can be difficult to convey certain concepts without a visual element. So over the holiday break, I did a brain dump of a bunch of Cloud Computing whiteboard discussions. They are posted on our The Cloudcast (.net) - YouTube Channel.

These will be the first of many videos that we'll post on this channel throughout the year. Just as we do on the podcast, I tried to keep these discussions as vendor neutral as possible; instead focusing on the key technology or business aspects of each session. [Feel free to distribute these videos if you find them useful.]

The first batch of videos includes:
One of the things we'll encourage our guests on The Cloudcast to do this year is make a short whiteboard video on a topic that we highlight on that week's show.