Friday, June 8, 2012

The Cloudcast - Eps.41 - Fifty Shades of RidiCuLUS Cloud

Date: June 8, 2012
Guests: Fred Nix (@nixfred), Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja), Friea Berg (@friea), Josh Atwell (@Josh_Atwell), Vanessa Alvarez (@VanessaAlvarez1), Colin McNamarra (@colinmcnamarra)

Description: Brian talks with a panel of experts from Cisco, EMC, Nexus, NetApp, and WWT to talk about the upcoming Cisco Live 2012 event in San Diego. They talked about where Cisco is going with open-source, Cloud and SDN. They also covered possible announcements, things to do outside the show, social-media and charity events and questions to ask John Chambers.

Let’s go over the ground rules of the podcast.
Rule #1 - no touching of the hair or face! Now let’s do this!

Topic 1 - CLUS is being held in San Diego. That’s not Las Vegas. What in the world do people do in San Diego? Please tell me the show is being held outdoors.

Topic 2 - On this show we talk about Cloud Computing. What will be the best use of Cloud Computing at CLUS? What cool things will attendees get to do with Cloud?

Topic 3 - How have both EMC and NetApp handled the appearance of Vaughn Stewart (@vstewed) as the gorilla in the #CloudFreaky video?

Topic 4 - What’s the Best use of Social Media at CLUS?

Topic 5 - Given that Cisco has $40B in cash, what would be the most outrageous announcement that could be made at CLUS (realistic or not)?

Topic 6 - 10 Questions for John Chambers (in case you get invited to the analyst meetings or see him in the hallway)
  1. Do you plan to turn off the Internet during your keynote so people pay attention in the audience?
  2. Last week was National IPv6 Day. Whatever happened to IPv5?
  3. Remember when IPv4 was cool? Yeah, that was awesome....
  4. Cisco has predicted that 90% of all Internet traffic will be video within the next 2-3 years. What do you think is the best type of Internet video?
  5. Cisco just announced the ASR 5500, which is the mother of all mobile access routers. Two questions: (a) so do we now blame Cisco if my iPhone is slow, or still AT&T (b) at full capacity, does it get hot enough to fry bacon?
  6. Speaking of bandwidth, do you know anybody that can get me better QoS for my NetFlix streaming?
  7. Do you ever mention to other CEOs that you know all their router passwords?
  8. Do you have anybody other than Mario, Prem and Luca (#Insieme) on your iPhone Favorites list?
  9. Do you ever have to discourage potential customers from using Cisco gear to create things like Chat Roulette, Instagram or Pinterest?
  10. Last question; do you mind if I record this interview with a Flip camera?