Nick was on the podcast about a year ago to talk about the changing IT skills needed to begin looking at DevOp. Nick was recently named a Top-25 blogger by vSphere-land.
- DevOps reference site
- DevOps talk at LISA by Ben Rockwood of Joyent (Dir. Systems Engineering)
- Chef
- Puppet
Topic 2 - The last time we talked about DevOps, we were focused on how an organization changes. We didn’t spend much time on the tools or best-practices of DevOps. What’s your take on today’s DevOps tools?
Topic 3 - One of the discussions at Cloud Connect was the idea that trying to build an IT environment that can service “legacy apps” (not designed for cloud) and newer cloud apps was potentially a dead-end. Do you think it’s possible that DevOps groups and Traditional IT group can co-exist, or are they better off being segmented?
Topic 4 - You got a chance to attend the session by Simon Wardley (@swardley). What were your thought on his observations and predictions?
Topic 5 - You had a Luke meets Yoda moment last week when you met Adrian Cockcroft (@adrianco) from NetFlix. What did you learn from him and what new projects can we expect that to inspire from you?